I guess this kind of sums it all up! :-)
I have been working the last few weeks trying to get my brain (and my desk) organized in preparation for officially starting our Homeschooling with Aly this fall. I am so glad that I started kind of "unofficially" back in January. It has given me lots of time to see things that I wouldn't have seen until I had already made some decisions (that would then have been scrapped) about where we want to go with this whole thing. I have been able to get a better grasp on Aly's temperment for learning and my temperment for teaching (can everyone say EXPLOSIVE??????). I have also been better able to define the type of schooling we want to implement. The first thing I have decided is that I don't want to Public school her at home, so as I worked on my "definition" I have found ways to tweak what seems to work and delete what doesn't and mix what needs mixing. What I have come up with is a thing called "Tidal homeschooling." The funny thing is that about the time I came to this understanding of how to best teach my daughter, I came across a homeschooling blog that absolutely nailed down all of the ideas that I was mulling around. It is called "Tidal Homeschooling" It is a mix of a lot of Charlotte Mason (which is very ordered, highly structured and totally parent-led) and a little bit of Unschooling (which is very unstructured and self-directed by the student).
You see, my little Aly is quite the tenacious little 4 year old. But for all of her tenacity, there are times when she just needs down time to process it all or she goes a little nuts!! Sometimes she is at the front of the board riding that big wave all the way in, all the while keeping an eye out for the BIGGER wave coming along behind it. Other times she needs to sit in the calm water and watch the waves while making up a story or a song or plotting her next encounter with Daddy/his computer/playhouse Disney online. Regardless...too keep up the Big Wave mentality (she is SERIOULY a Type-A kid!!) would just burn her out post-haste.
Okay...so that is where we are heading. I will keep adding thoughts and "noodle notes" along as I need to.
Thanks for stopping by!
In HIS Mighty Grip

This new blog looks yummy!! My dreams of home schooling 'woking' out the door when I sat in on a Kindergarden class at John's new school. I knew I couldn't give him what I was seeing there. My hat is tipped to you my friend! I'll be following (and learning lol) as you march forward! Wok on!
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